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  • Stephen Braybrook

How low levels of glucose and competing brain areas impact the brains energy for learning?

It has been suggested by Schmeichel (2007); Anderson et al (2011) that an individual you cannot do the same cognitive task for a long time without a descent in performances, and that your performances decline when you perform two different cognitive tasks subsequently. This suggestion has been reinforced by Helton & Russel (2012) who mention that an increase in cognitive load of a task results in a decrease of performances on this task or other unrelated cognitive tasks due to the depletion of a common pole of a limited resource, this is called cognitive resource depletion. Cognitive depletion refers to an individual having a limited set of resources available for mental processes (Cheyne et al.,2009). These resources can be thought of as a pool of energy that is used for a variety of mental operations, from sensory-level processing to meaning-level processing. This shared pool of resources is allocated across different tasks, modalities, and processing (Anderson, et al., 2011). A psychological explanation according to Cheyne et al (2009); Helton & Russel (2012) that cognitive resource depletion can be as a decrease in motivation, goal habituation or mindlessness., this is generally referred to as Ego depletion. Ego depletion refers to the idea that self-control or willpower draws upon a limited pool of mental resources that can be used up Baumeister et al (1998) and suggest that when the energy for mental activity is low, self-control is y impaired, which would be considered a state of ego depletion (Engber, 2016). Baumeister et al (1998) highlights that experiencing a state of ego depletion impairs the ability to control oneself. However, from a neuroscientific perspective, there are two examples of cognitive resource depletion that directly correlate with Ego depletion, these being the number of glucose levels available in the brain (McNay, McCarty, & Gold, 2001) and the availability of neural space within the brain (Franconeri, Alvarez, & Cavanagh, 2013). The human brain receives its energy from glucose (Benton, Parker & Donohoe, 1996) and according to McNay et al (2001), this is a foundation of a cognitive resource. Reivich & Alavi (1983) highlighted that a task is performed with a high level of cognitive load (too much information that the brain can process in that given time) there is a need for extra glucose is to be transported via the bloodstream before it is metabolised within the related brain region. In turn, the metabolised glucose is the trigger for neurons to fire impulses and initiate neuroplasticity (Helton & Warm, 2008). However, according to Benton, Parker & Donohoe (1996) glucose cannot be resourced/replaced at the same speed as it is being consumed. The more condensed that the cognitive load is during the task the more glucose is consumed and the lower the glucose levels are within the different brain areas, resulting in the reduction of brain functioning and a decline in cognitive task performances, executive function, and cognitive flexibility (Helton & Warm, 2008; Norman & Borow, 1975). A practical implementation that can be made to counterbalance regarding the low levels of glucose in the brain when the cognitive load is high is by consuming a glucose drink. Research by Gailliot et al (2007) highlighted that participant who consumed a glucose drink had less performance degradation during a cognitive task compared to participants who did not take a glucose drink. The researchers hypothesised that the positive correlation they found between glucose levels and cognitive task performance may be due to the body’s ability to use glucose efficiently and tolerance that individuals who consume glucose in association with a cognitive task compared to those who do not, can carry glucose through the blood/brain barrier to the resulting in a longer availability of glucose in the brain when depletion has stated to decrease leading to better performances on cognitive tasks. In addition to the low levels of glucose. Franconeri, Alvarez, & Cavanagh (2013) mentioned that the neural spaces within the brain are another contributing factor seen in cognitive resource depletion. These neuro spaces are called the architecture of map representations (Mountcasle, 1997) which is seen as a 2D space of sensory and motor representations with the spaces between these maps being limited. Franconeri, Alvarez, & Cavanagh (2013) then suggest that when you carry out tasks that involve attention, memory, motor control or executive planning, there is completion between them within the spaces seen in the 2D maps (Franconeri, Alvarez, & Cavanagh, 2013). This occurs as the neural impulses produced by the executive functions of the brain weaken each other or go lost through competing for the 2D space and therefore a decrease in the efficiency and performance seen within the task being carried out in (Tsotsos, et al.,1995). The architecture of map representations (Mountcasle, 1997) has been supported through Brain imaging studies by showing that cognitive processes with cortical representations that lay close to each other are more likely to compete and affect the other’s performances (McManis & Somers, 2005; Reynold, Chelazzi & Desimone, 1999). Within previous studies, the frontal cortex, the brain area that executes cognitive processes, is a location vulnerable for resource depletion (Alvaarez & Emory, 2006; Miakye, et al., 2000) and is seen as a prime brain area involved in glucose and neuro spaces regarding the cognitive load, excruciate functions, cognitive resources, and cognitive flexibility. From a practical perspective, concerning the architecture of map representations one thing that can be implemented and prevent from different executive functions competing for neuro spaces is to reduce the amount of information that is not required within the task that is being carried out, for example, not having any information within the task that is not directly related to the task as well as breaking the task up every 10-15 minutes with an activity for 5 to 10 minutes (Sonnentag & Fritz, 2007). This 5-to-10-minute break requires a respite, a psychological detachment from the executive functions that are being facilitated within the task that is being carried out (Alvarez & Cavanagh, 2013) for the total replenishment of cognitive resource depletion (Cheyne et al.,2009).

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