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Motivation: Foundation for learning

Motivation is seen as the foundation for learning. According to Pintrich (2003), motivation is important for all educational-related...

Acute exercise and brain changes

Research in the acute physical activity-cognition field has over the past 50 years investigated the relationship between cognitive...

Physical activity breaks improve learning

In college education, teachers often complain about growing concentration deficits and reduced attention (Budde et al, 2008), and helping...

Performance Speed and physical activity

McAuley and White (2011) state that the human cognitive abilities control all activities undertaken through storage, integration...

Human energy and social breaks

Quinn et al (2012) stated that human energy can be categorized in two ways: physical energy and energetic activation. Physical energy...

How to improve your sustained attention

Attention levels are seen as to the degree to which students address instructional material. However, like all human attributes there are...

Quick snippet

A great starting place to change your classroom is Reduce class time to 15-20 minutes at a time Have lots of social/fun breaks Always...

Science of Spaced Learning

The role of memory and learning has been well documented as being an important factor when learning and remembering information. Though...

Neurodiversity in the classroom

According to Clouder et al (2020) Neurodiversity is an umbrella term, including dyspraxia, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity...

Sensory processing disorder and movement

To learn and gain knowledge, Diamond (2013) mentions that there must be motivation, arousal, concentration and most importantly there...

Micro offline learning.

In today’s teaching classroom, truly understanding how and what is the best way to ensure that what is learned by the students is...

Balance is vital to learning

The way we perceive our place in the world is through our interactions between our physical body, brain, and the environment around us....

You must take a break

It has been suggested that in the last two decades there has been a resurgence of research regarding work breaks (Boucesin & Thum, 1997;...

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