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  • Stephen Braybrook

Micro offline learning.

In today’s teaching classroom, truly understanding how and what is the best way to ensure that what is learned by the students is information that they remember not only in the classroom but for life is a must. To do this, an understanding of how the brain works regarding memory within the classroom is needed by all. It has been suggested by Smolen (2016) that research is strongly weighing in favor of that spaced learning is superior to massed learning in terms of inducing memory formation and with the science behind spaced learning stated to be understood in education the following are some areas that highlight the importance of spaced learning from a neurological and cognitive perceptive that has a direct impact upon the learning brain. Research is suggesting that producing repeated stimuli spaced by periods without stimuli can lead to intracellular signaling mechanisms activating genes, this is the process of the neurological cell's ability to receive, process, and transmit information through the communication to other cells along with the process of the regulation and development of one’s genes (DNA) (Hernandez and Abel, 2008). Secondary spaced learning, initiate via repeated stimuli and periods without stimuli, aids in the production of proteins (Scharf et al., 2002) which can strengthen the triggered synapses (increase in the impulse of communication and connections between neurons and different parts of the brain), triggering long term potentiality, the strengthening of synapses that leads to a long-lasting increase in signal transmission between neurons and long term potentiality encoding which is the transformation of internal thoughts and external events into long-term memory ( Moncada et al., 2011). This long term potentiality according to (Kramar et al., 2012) differentiates long-term memory (spaced learning) from short-term memory (massed learning) as the processes of synaptic tagging and capture (The synaptic tagging hypothesis suggests an early phase in which synapses are prepared, or “tagged,” for protein capture, and a late phase in which those proteins are integrated into the synapses to achieve memory consolidation) does not occur in short-term memory, leading to short-term fading in a day or two; in contrast, where in comparison the long term memories can last a lifetime. This process also called the synaptic tagging and capture hypothesis states that the induction of synaptic potentiation ( the strengthening of synapses based on recent patterns of activity) creates only the potential for a lasting change in synaptic efficacy (the strength of communication between neurons) within long term memory. The above reactions occur when the brain is in a spacing effect, the time frame where learning is more effective due to the learning being spaced out. According to Kahana (2005). The effectiveness of spacing learning correlates to the previous research and is thought to be mediated by molecular and synaptic processes, which involve the activation and expression of key signaling proteins and transcription factors, leading to increased synaptic plasticity (the change that occurs at synapses). The spacing effort occurs through the neurological enhancement through consolidation occurs across a period of wakeful rest or sleep involves the stabilization (Yotsumoto et al., 2009) the waking rest is known as micro-offline gains, where the memory of the information is replayed and observed in the hippocampus making the memory stronger when the information has ceased to be transmitted (Jacobacci et al., 2020). According to Gupta et al (2010), all Information that gets transferred from the hippocampus to long-term storage sites in the neocortex plays a key role in the consolidation of memories. This understanding of how the hippocampus works about the spacing effect is reinforced by Pfeiffer (2020) who makes mentions that the hippocampal network is the ability to self-generate neuronal sequences representing temporally compressed, spatially coherent paths. Pfeiffer (2020) continued and states that these brief events, often termed "replay" are largely confined to non-exploratory states such as sleep or quiet rest. Gupta et al (2020) proposed a mechanism for mediating consolidation, which is that the replay of behavioral sequences in the hippocampus acts as a sequence generator and occurs in sharp-wave ripples; rapid bursts of synchronized neuronal activity elicited by the hippocampus. Research by Jacobacci et al., (2020) advances the field of learning and memory and in turn that of spaced learning and spaced effect in the following way; firstly, their research states that the hippocampus is associated with the generation of micro-offline gains through a mechanism reminiscent of memory reactivation. Second, they highlight evidence suggesting that this potential reactivation impacts the microstructure of the hippocampus. And finally, they also suggest that memories may originate from an early interplay between the hippocampus and the cortex. Research by Fields (2005) used a pattern of three stimuli separated by 10 min of a spaced effect suggesting the micro-offline gains appeared to open voltage-sensitive calcium channels in the cell membrane, activating signaling pathways to the nucleus. Three theories that highlight the spaced effect or micro-offline gains are consolidation theory which according to Squire (2015) occurs as a memory trace becomes more fixed and stable with time after learning and posits that a long-term memory trace is more efficiently stabilized or strengthened by spaced trials. The lack of cognitive rehearsals variant of deficient-processing theory might also be considered a more specific form of consolidation theory because it assumes that a minimum number of rehearsals, or autonomous reactivations, are required to consolidate a memory trace. The second theory is the Deficient-processing theory posits that spaced training forms a stronger memory than does mass training because, in the latter, some processes that are necessary to form memories are not effectively executed (Koval, 2019). Finally, the Study-phase retrieval theory posits that spaced stimulus presentations or learning trials are more effective than massed trials for memory reinforcement because each spaced trial elicits retrieval and reactivation of a memory trace that was formed by the preceding trial (Greene, 1989). By contrast, with short, massed trials, the preceding memory trace is still active, so it is not retrieved or reactivated and therefore the memory cannot be reinforced (Siegel and Kahana, 2014).

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